Sinew 3, 2022 (sold) Tin foil, paper mache, wax 30 x 22 inches  For years I have been making drawings of interwoven lines – sometimes these are just doodles, sometimes they are more elaborate. Initially inspired by Manzanita growing on the slopes of
 Sinew 4, 2022 (sold) Tin foil, paper mache, wax 30 x 22 inches  For years I have been making drawings of interwoven lines – sometimes these are just doodles, sometimes they are more elaborate. Initially inspired by Manzanita growing on the slopes of
 Sinew 1, 2022  Tin foil, paper mache, wax 30 x 22 inches  For years I have been making drawings of interwoven lines – sometimes these are just doodles, sometimes they are more elaborate. Initially inspired by Manzanita growing on the slopes of Mt. T
 Boughed, 2021 Tin foil, paper mache, wax 43 x 20 inches
 Harvesting Color Wall Installation, 2019 Mulberry paper, watercolor, ink, wax 12’ x 15’  Harvesting color derives from the springtime ritual of picking fresh flowers and hanging them on a wall to dry. The strips of color evoke the fleeting visual bo
 Harvesting Color Wall Installation, 2019 Mulberry paper, watercolor, Ink, wax 12’ x 15’ Detail  Harvesting color derives from the springtime ritual of picking fresh flowers and hanging them on a wall to dry. The strips of color evoke the fleeting vi
 Harvesting Color Wall Installation, 2019 Mulberry paper, watercolor, ink, wax 12’ x 15’ Detail
 Mood Board 1-12, 2019 (sold) Encaustic, Mulberry paper, watercolor 8 x 8 inches each (26 x 35 inches)  The Moodboards are an exploration of the subtle ways colors interact and influence each other. Strips of dyed mulberry paper are juxtaposed with a
 Mood Board 12, 2019 Encaustic, Mulberry paper, watercolor 8 x 8 inches  The Moodboards are an exploration of the subtle ways colors interact and influence each other. Strips of dyed mulberry paper are juxtaposed with an intense flat color, reminisce
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