I did a series of sketches for the painting. This is the final sketch before starting the actual painting.
Sky Pebbles
I've been working on a series of paintings called Flow. Water is the core inspiration. While working on this series I've started to get obsessed with the blue dots I use in the paintings. I cut out circles from Japanese Mulberry Paper and then I paint each circle with a variety of blue watercolors. Right before I'm about to use them I put them in stacks according to their blue hue. I've been taking photos and I find them to be beautiful in their simplicity and meditative quality. This is the start of a photographic series.
When I'm working on new pieces I'm not always aware of where the inspiration for the piece comes from but often when I scroll through my photographs I can see the connections and why I have chosen to go a specific direction. It actually seems so obvious in hindsight.
The two images on the left have a strong connection to my Drift series, one of which is seen on the right.
There are many forms of inspiration that I subconsciously gather for my paintings. I'm may not be aware in the moment that they will find their way into my work but after a piece is finished I typically can trace it back to something I've seen or been drawn towards in nature or on the street.
Bernal Hill =
Shadows feel like poetic dances. There is something about the simplicity and play of light that creates these visual treasures. I keep taking photos of shadows but the reality is that a big part of their charm is the movement so recently I started taking mini videos of shadows. They are also starting to creep into my recent works.
Wabi Sabi Exhibit
Yesterday was the opening of Wabi Sabi at the O'Hanlon Center for the Arts in Mill Valley. I was one of the artists in the exhibit. Below are a few of my favorite pieces from other artists. I wanted to be a part of this exhibit because I connect with the Wabi part of Wabi Sabi. Wabi comes from the root wa, which refers to harmony, peace, tranquillity, and balance. It has come to mean simple, in tune with nature. Wabi (subdued, austere beauty). I strive for simplicity and beauty in my work and I’m inspired by nature.
Wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature. It’s simple, slow, and uncluttered - pared down to its barest essence.
Inspiration outside my door
I started a series call Street Art which is literally taking photos of unintentional beautiful moments on the pavement. Art is everywhere. I’m amazed at how many beautiful visual moments there are in a 10 block radius from my house. I never used to look down but now that I have found all these street treasures, I’ve become obsessed with looking carefully while walking slowly. I love my neighborhood and all of it's visual gifts.